I don't know what to do or say, You promised me that you'd stay. Now without you look ay my hair grow grey, Your presence around me always made me gay. I laid down my soul naked for you, You treated the wounds well until you dissappeared. Now you sprinkled all the salt over them too, Watching me burn in pain you reappeared. People go on to write about something about their tear flood, A pen or a typewriter would always do the job. My story was written with heartbeaks and blood, Want a life now, watch me join the dead mob. Life puts all of down by all means, All I learnt from all of this was... We generally ovethink when we're in our teens, Yet trust shatters into pieces like glauss. The way you broke my trust, my belief and my heart, Everything around me felt so shattered and I was so done. Strengthening, yours in my life was the biggest part, Happiness stoped, hard times again had begun. Friends we could be, you never wanted to... Always left all my messgaes on read. Shou...